I’m excited to introduce the new slogan ‘New Flow, New Shift’ which I believe represent what the Group promises you as we head to the future.
Kim Min-yeong

Dong-A Socio Group wants to see what’s next in serving the employees as an individual and a inseparable part of us.
We know that our employees’ commitment to work should be on a voluntary basis to create a ‘virtuous circle’ of better serving the customers, improving our reputation, and overcoming the past financial performances. Knowing the multi-disciplinary nature of encouraging our employees and everything should be there – from employee welfare, performance-driven motivation and respectful corporate culture to sustainable, safe work environment to make changes, the CEOs from the Group companies proclaimed ‘Human Right Management’ to comply with the international standards and guidelines on human rights and labor-management relations. With that, zero tolerance applies to any infringement on human rights and discrimination in the Group. Furthermore, each Group company diagnoses its own corporate culture, builds human rights education processes that best suit it and optimizes workload balance for family-oriented work environment, which we believe are essential for the voluntary commitment. Understanding the importance of environmental sustainability, safety and human health, the Group ensures that each Group company establishes Greenhouse Gas Inventory and has it verified by an outside expert, in an effort to reduce emissions across the product life cycle in the long run, while solidifying health and safety assessment processes to prevent industrial accidents from taking place.
We know the competitive advantage is created when ‘New Flow’ transitions to ‘New Shift’ and that help our stakeholders prosper.
Pivoted on the ‘solid core’ on one hand and looking to the ‘destructive creation’ on the other hand, our engines of growth lie on both ethical stubbornness and open-mindedness to learning something new, not being afraid of failing. In fact, the solid core and the destructive creation have long been a part of the Group, as evidenced by the founder Kang Joong-Hee’s bold decision to discontinue one of our best-selling products in 1967 to overcome the controversy over harmful ingredients.
Our chasing after New Flow and New Shift from both financial and non-financial standpoints complies with the Group’s mission - An endless challenge for human health and well-being – and our perspective on business that is on a long-term, sustainable basis.
To become a model for other companies, Dong-A Socio Group will spare no effort to resolve problems and put down solid roots for the next generations, and the next hundred years.
Thank you always for your support.