Compliance Management

Dong-A Socio Group's anti-bribery management system (ABMS) ensures all Dong-A companies comply with the ethical conducts, effectively controlling the associated risks.

  • Strategies and Systems

    Dong-A Socio Group's corporate management philosophy is Jeong-Do Management, meaning that the company is rooted on compliance and fair trade and staying true to its responsibilities as a member of society. Paying efforts to render its management as transparent as possible, we have established transparency guidelines, policies and a separate organization for management transparency, while staying in compliance with ISO 37001 for Anti-Bribery Management Systems(ABMS) and maintaining ISO 37001-certified status. Realizing the Group's ABMS on a methodical basis, we plan to achieve management transparency through three phases.

    How the management transparency is achieved on the Group's 3-phase ABMS
    11 1단계 : 도입기, 준법경영 관련 시스템 구축 및 전략 수립, 1년 소요 > 2단계 : 정착기, 준법경영 관련 시스템 체계화 및 정도경영 실천문화 확산, 2년 소요 > 3단계 : 성숙기, 준법경영 관련 시스템 고도화 및 정도경영 자율실천 확산, 2년 소요 11 1단계 : 도입기, 준법경영 관련 시스템 구축 및 전략 수립, 1년 소요 > 2단계 : 정착기, 준법경영 관련 시스템 체계화 및 정도경영 실천문화 확산, 2년 소요 > 3단계 : 성숙기, 준법경영 관련 시스템 고도화 및 정도경영 자율실천 확산, 2년 소요
  • Policy

    1. Dong-A Socio Holdings' compliance management is a key element of corporate competitiveness for the practice of socially responsible management, and since it is a survival strategy, the compliance management system must be substantially operated and continuously improved.
    2. Dong-A Socio Holdings should be able to assess work performance in connection with clear punishment and ethical behavior to eradicate various illegal acts that can determine the growth and existence of a company.
    3. Dong-A Socio Holdings is willing to bear the damage caused by compliance management and encourages all executives and employees to participate actively and voluntarily.
    4. Employees and employees of Dong-A Socio Holdings should recognize that transparent management activities based on the principle of compliance management are a system that protects companies and individuals, and perform their duties fairly and ethically so that they can be a driving force for leading a healthy industrial ecosystem based on the trust of stakeholders.
  • Organization

    Under the Jeong-Do Management Team's roadmap, Dong-A Socio Group is achieving management transparency through ABMS. Each Dong-A company having established its own ABMS has an Anti-bribery Committee comprised of the anti-bribery manager and committee members to ensure compliance under control by holding meetings periodically.. Anti-bribery policies will be reviewed by such anti-bribery manager and, if necessary, the CEO of the company and activities conducted under ABMS will be reported to the Board of Directors. Also controlling bribery risks is Jeong-Do Management Team by training and educating Anti-bribery Committee members and establishing corporate cultures favorable to ABMS.

    Dong-A Socio Group ABMS Roadmap
    11 2018 : 동아쏘시오홀딩스, 동아ST > 2019 : 동아제약 > 2020 : 용마로지스 > 2021 : 에스티팜,  에스티젠바이오 > 2022 : 동아오츠카, 수석 > 2023 : 한국신동공업, 동천수 > 2024 : 동아참메드, 아벤종합건설, DA인포메이션 > 2025 : 전 그룹사 11 2018 : 동아쏘시오홀딩스, 동아ST > 2019 : 동아제약 > 2020 : 용마로지스 > 2021 : 에스티팜,  에스티젠바이오 > 2022 : 동아오츠카, 수석 > 2023 : 한국신동공업, 동천수 > 2024 : 동아참메드, 아벤종합건설, DA인포메이션 > 2025 : 전 그룹사
  • Compliance Management System Operations

    Each and every employee and executive of Dong-A Socio Group including the CEO annually submits its written oath of practicing Jeong-Do Management. Anti-bribery provisions are included in a framework contract entered into with vendors to stipulate a duty of transparency and fair trade. Prevention of accepting and offering bribery is in practice under the Group-level anti-solicitation and anti-bribery policies and the internal whistle-blowing system. Practicing of Dong-A Socio Group's Jeong-Do Management is solidified by annual employee surveys, off-line training sessions, and on-line education sessions in Universität, the Group’s e-learning platform.

  • Certificate
    • Dong-A Socio Holdings ISO 37001(Anti-Bribery Management Systems)