Holdings Company
Dong-A Socio Holdings holds declaration ceremony for Information Security Management.

On September 17, Dong-A Socio Holdings (President Han Jong-hyun) announced that it had held the declaration ceremony for information security management at the Grand Auditorium of Dong-A Socio Group’s headquarters in Youngdu-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul.

The declaration ceremony for information security management was organized to establish an information security management system for global business and protect confidential information, the most valuable asset of a company, from diverse threats.

In the declaration ceremony, executives and employees of the company recited the information security statement, which including the following pledges to: recognize and process information as an important asset to be protected; recognize the importance of information security and receive information security training; protect the company’s information systems from harmful websites, illegal software, etc.; and comply with the company’s information security policy, the relevant notices of administrative agencies, intellectual property rights, and Information Protection and Privacy Acts.

The ceremony included lectures on ISO 27001 as a system for practicing information security management, and a session for the appointment of security auditors to each division to promote the ISO 27001 certification. Security auditors are responsible for conducting security checks of departments and visitors, information security training, and the dissemination of an information security culture.

Dong-A Socio Holdings plans to use the ISO 27001 certification to establish an information security management system and expand the certification to affiliates and subsidiaries within the group.

ISO 27001 is an international standard certification for information security awarded by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In order to obtain the certification, it is necessary to pass all of the adequacy assessments in 14 areas and 114 detailed criteria of information security management, such as information security policy, physical security, access control, and legal compliance.

During the declaration ceremony, President Han Jong-hyun of Dong-A Socio Holdings said, “Information security threats are on the rise, so protecting our IT technologies and data from such threats is both a safeguard and the driving force behind protecting our business and ensuring future growth. As such, I hope that all of the employees of Dong-A Socio Group realize the importance of information security and do their utmost to establish a reliable information security management system.”